Monday, November 15, 2010

Birth announcement

A baby was born today. Not a baby that cries, sleeps, poops and entices otherwise mature intelligent adults to deteriorate into babbling idiots.

This was my own baby.

My second one, actually.

There is a story behind it (isn't there always…?)

Since I started blogging in earnest a couple of months ago, two things have happened.

First is that I have received an incredible amount of very positive feedback regarding the blog itself and my writing. This has been a wonderful source of encouragement and I am eternally grateful to all of you for providing me with that extra push.

The second thing that has happened is that I have discovered exactly how much I really love the writing. It seems the more I write, the more I find that I truly need to write. And then write some more. The inner fulfillment that I have found through this venue of expression is unlike anything I have ever experienced.

As a result, I've made no secret about the fact that I would love to find some way to take this writing to the next step. Besides the blogging for my friends in which I am able to share some of my day-to-day life and the occasional "deeper" thoughts, I want to move into the realm of writing full-time – even making a living from it.

I have no illusions about how easy this will be (i.e. not at all), nor do I have any plans to quit my day job (not yet, anyway). But the search is on to allow this to launch a new career for me which I think I would really enjoy.

Last night I met a friend for coffee. Besides the fact that I always enjoy time spent with this particular friend, last night we had a specific purpose in mind. This friend has done a good deal of research of the whole world of blogging and of making a living through creative new websites, etc. and he suggested that we meet to discuss possible directions that I can take this, if I'm truly serious about writing full-time and professionally.

One of the most important things that he told me (as have several other friends) is that if I want to try to break through using the venue of a blog, that the successful bloggers are the ones with an identity which defines their blog. Their blogs are centered on a particular theme, and while they may occasionally stray ever-so-slightly, the successful blogs are the ones that focus on that theme.

Obviously the catch to this being able to offer an "identity" and a theme which isn't already being done by everybody and their next-door-neighbor's Aunt Sally. The goal is to find a niche in which I can offer what isn't already being offered by multitudes of folks, most of whom are more knowledgeable than I am and better qualified to be the "voice" of whatever it is that they are proclaiming to be voice.

To add to the difficulty is actually something that I wrote in the introductory blog of Ramblings (read it here) is that (and I quote myself) "I am not and make no claims to be an "expert" on anything. My views on politics, social issues, child-rearing, history, and whatever else - are simply that - MY views. I haven't studied these things in the university, or written major research papers on them, or conducted in-depth surveys gathering comprehensive information. I am an every day John Q. Public, who keeps up with the news on a fairly regular basis, who reads some opinion pieces to get varying perspectives, and whose ideas have been shaped by his own experiences. No more and no less".

I still hold by that. I know my limitations – I am a reasonably intelligent person with a reasonable grasp of what's going on around me, but that certainly doesn't qualify me to be the "voice" of anything or anyone other than myself.

After spending a little more than an hour with this friend last night, and bouncing some ideas back and forth with him, I came home and thought a lot about what we discussed.

Besides quickly seeing the obvious point that his advice and thoughts were right on the money, I also thought about a bit of what we discussed in terms of what I would have to offer that's a little bit different – a bit off the proverbial beaten path.

One of my (very few) traits which I am proud is that I don't really fit into one of those nice, neat little labeled boxes. People will often try to pin me down and to define me – mostly religiously and politically, but in other areas as well.

And they usually can't do it.

I socialize in various circles – some of which are worlds apart from others, and while I'm usually able to fit in some form or fashion to each crowd which I hang, I also don't really fit any of the stereotypes of any of these circles – and thus, anyone thinking that they can finally "label" me finds that they're back at Square One.

I like that. And that is where I think I differ a little bit from everybody and their next-door-neighbor's Aunt Sally. That's where perhaps – hopefully – I can offer something a little bit different.

That being said, it is with the pride of a new father that I announce today's birth of the younger sibling to Ramblings. Please feel free to come and meet Musings of a Monotype. Don't know what a "Monotype" is? Good – you shouldn't. Read the first entry of the new blog and you'll see – if not what a Monotype is, at least how I use the term.

This blog will be a more focused themed blog, and personally I am simultaneously excited, curious, and a bit nervous to see where it goes.

Of course, it is not at all my intention for this new blog to replace Ramblings. I have no doubt that as often as not I will still feel the need to ramble on about whatever is occupying my brain, and not with topics that are more fitting for the Monotype blog.

One thing about the Monotype blog that will be exactly what Ramblings attempts to be – all comments and thoughts are very welcome. If you agree with something I've written and you would like to tell me – that's wonderful. If you disagree with something I've and you want to share tell me that – that's great too.

I will never denigrate anybody's thoughts, ideas or opinions. I may disagree with you, in which case I'll tell you, while at the same time, recognizing the validity of your view, as well as the possibility that you may be right (and I may be crazy).

And I may be convinced by whatever you have to say.

My rule of thumb was also something that I wrote in the introductory Ramblings blog - I have no intention or interest in "converting" anybody to my way of thinking. I just want to express what I feel the need to express.

With that in mind – come on over to Musings of a Monotype and let's get ready to rock and roll….

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